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Antibacterial effects of pulsed Er:YAG laser radiation at different energy settings in molars with root canal isthmuses
| Meng-Qi Zhou |
2016 |
Antibacterial effect of using the Er:YAG laser or Er,Cr:YSGG laser compared to conventional instrumentation method—a literature review
| (문헌고찰) | Muftah Agoob Alfergany |
2018 |
Antibacterial and Smear Layer Removal Efficacy of Er:YAG Laser Irradiation by Photon-Induced Photoacoustic Streaming in Primary Molar Root Canals: A Preliminary Study.
| Korkut E |
2018 |
Antibacterial Effects of Nd:YAG Laser Irradiation within Root Canal Dentin
| Thomas Klinke, D.D.S. |
1997 |
Anti-infective therapy with an Er:YAG laser: influence on peri-implant healing
| (문헌고찰) | Anton Sculean |
2005 |
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