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The Use of Lasers for Periodontal Debridement: Marketing Tool or Proven Therapy?
| (문헌고찰) | Nd:YAG 외 | Rachel Chanthaboury |
2005 |
The Use of Laser Energy for Therapeutic Ablation of Intraoral Hard Tissues Position Paper: Science and Research Committee, Academy of Laser Dentistry
| Nd:YAG 외 | Steven P.A. Parker, BDS, LDS, MFGDP (Committee Chair) |
2007 |
The TwinLight™ Concept in Dentistry
| Ilay Maden |
2013 |
The Temperature Changes in the Pulp Chamber During Cavity Preparation with the Er:YAG Laser Using a Very Short Pulse
| Silvana Juki´c Krmek, D.D.S., Ph.D. |
2009 |
The Safety and Effectiveness of an Er:YAG Laser for Caries Removal and Cavity Preparation in Children
| Pamela K |
2001 |
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