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Tensile Bond Strength and SEM Analysis of Enamel Etched with Er:YAG Laser and Phosphoric Acid: A Comparative Study In Vitro
| Luis H |
2008 |
Surface analysis of Erbium:YAG laser etching vs acid-etched surface
| Roheet Khatavkar, BDS |
2011 |
Surface Alterations of Polished and Sandblasted and Acid-Etched Titanium Implants after Er:YAG, Carbon Dioxide, and Diode Laser Irradiation
| Stubinger S |
2010 |
Sulcular Debridement with Pulsed Nd:YAG.
| David M. Harris |
2002 |
Subjective intensity of pain during supportive periodontal treatment using a sonic scaler or an Er:YAG laser.
| Braun A |
2010 |
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