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Modulatory effects by neodymium‑doped yttrium aluminum garnet laser on fibroblast attachment to single rooted tooth surfaces following ultrasonic scaling and root planing: An in vitro study
| Shanta Negi |
2015 |
Modified Emmet's operation for ingrown nails using the Er:YAG laser
| Wollina U |
2004 |
Minimally Invasive Surgery in Pediatric Dentistry using Dental Lasers
| Nd:YAG | Dimitrios A. Velonis |
2017 |
Microleakage of composite resin restoration in cavities prepared by Er:YAG laser irradiation in primary teeth
| Y.Yamada |
2002 |
Microindentation hardness and calcium/phosphorus ratio of dentin following excavation of dental caries lesions with different techniques
| Gunseli Katirci |
2016 |
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