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Indications and limitations of Er:YAG laser applications in dentistry
| Carl Bader |
2006 |
Increased cell proliferation and differential protein expression induced by low-level Er:YAG laser irradiation in human gingival fibroblasts: proteomic analysis
| Ogita M |
2015 |
In vivo effects of an Er:YAG laser, an ultrasonic system and scaling and root planing on the biocompatibility of periodontally diseased root surfaces in cultures of human PDL fibroblasts.
| Schwarz F |
2003 |
In vivo and in vitro effects of an Er:YAG laser, a GaAlAs diode laser, and scaling and root planing on periodontally diseased root surfaces: a comparative histologic study.
| 반도체 레이저 | Schwarz F. |
2003 |
In vitro studies on laser scaling of subgingival calculus with an erbium:YAG laser.
| Aoki A |
1994 |
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